January 20, 2009

Working the Corner

So I've been really contemplative lately with things going on and was walking home from working out when who should I run into on the corner by my house? My friend, Heather! I feel like I don't see her enough even though she just lives around the corner and I walk by her house at least once a day. Anyway, she was out walking the dog she isn't supposed to have (sorry, the secret is out). So we stood on the corner and talked for awhile and I realized how much I miss her! I need to talk to her more...and go play with her little son more. Sometimes I get so caught up in the stupid little things in life that I forget about great blessings I have, like having Heather as a friend. Anyway, new goal, no matter how busy my week is, I am going to visit Heather during each week. Do you hear that Heather? This is your warning.
Anyway, other than that my days consist of teaching and working out. And if you are lucky enough to try and get ahold of me on a Wednesday or Thursday then good for you because those are my busiest days. My schedule on those days consists of Work 7-3:30, Work out 3:45-4:15 (short work out days), Master's class 5-10. And on nights I don't have class I either chill at home or visit girls in my ward with the other Relief Society Presidency members, or FHE, or homework...pretty much not very social stuff. But such is life.
So I guess there is a fairly new family in my dad's ward in Lake Havasu who has a son on a mission. So my dad's wife and this guy's mom have decided that it would be a fantastic idea (sarcasm intended) for me to write this kid. I haven't decided if I will yet. Kind of pathetic that I'm being set up with missionaries...ugh. Anyway, welcome to my life.


Unknown said...

I love your life! Work & work out...that's great! Are you feeling super healthy these days?
About writing the missionary...is he hot? If so then DO IT! If not then DO IT! LOL Good luck with that :-)

Callie said...

Katie girl! I was in the Las Vegas Temple the other day and I ran into your old roommate Brittany...I don't know her last name. She was with her husband. We connected through you, though and it was so fun! Remind me to tell you the whole story sometime! I sure do love you!

Kamala Crockett said...

Katie that is so funny you found the 'eye' powerpoint! HAHA! Remember making that and we were taking pictures of people's eyeballs all night! Good times!! Wow your life seems super busy! You started your Masters your first year of teaching?? Wow I am impressed! I'm stressed enough just student teaching. I love it though, I'm having a blast!