February 7, 2009


I feel very defensive today about my social status and that I have to defend it. So let me tell you how my week went.
School was crazy.

MONDAY: Duty Day
broke up a fight
Budget Cut meeting
girls found a body
worked out
gave FHE lesson
did homework

had to deal with emotional girls at school
had to deal with all 5th graders in explaining the importance of not bringing up bad memories
parent meeting
work out

Staff meeting after school
Have to figure out how to make sure my class is prepared for AIMS...they better pass!
Group meeting with group from class
Class 5-10

IEP Meeting
Plan field trip
Modify plans for next day
Class 5-8

Short day schedule
Walk kids to and from the institute for a field trip
Prepare class pet to go home with a student
Organize for the next week
Work out

And by the time Friday evening comes I am so tired physically and emotionally that I don't even want to think about plans. I did go out to dinner with Levi and went to Kyle's to watch a movie. And Kayla was in town and I got to visit with her a lot. And today I went to lunch and walked around down town. I just don't have the energy or the time to hang out anymore. I cherish the sleep I get, which means going to bed earlier than the college students. Don't get me wrong, I wish that I knew people. I miss not knowing people, it can be so lonely. So, yes, I'll admit to being anti-social, but do you blame me?


me said...

Welcome to the adult world Katie.