February 28, 2009

Ladies and the Trampoline

I was wondering during the week why I didn't have many friends here or know too many people and I was feeling sorry for myself. And then I realized how stupid I have been. I am so lucky and blessed to have amazing friends, even if they don't live here. Just this semester I've been visited by Cassie, Erin, Kayla, Brittany and Dave, Andy, Melissa, Marquette (who even had her cousin deliver flowers to me for Valentine's Day), and Minette and Orin. Plus just during the last holidays I was able to be with Allen, Amber, Rex, Holli, etc. How foolish I have been and how eternal lucky I am to have these people in my life still.

Well I was so happy to be able to spend time with Marquette. Last Friday Marquette came to town and we decided to sleep on the Palmer's trampoline...for old time's sake. So here we are at 10:30 at night sneeking onto the trampoline in the Palmer's back yard. We must have looked ridiculous with all our layers and a million blankets. I had thermals on, then my flannel pajamas, then a sweatshirt, and 2 pairs of socks. We then proceded to lay out 2 blankets on the trampoline, got into a sleeping bag each, covered up with a big blanket over both of us, then an individual blanket each, then a down comforter, then another individual blanket. Let's just say we were pretty toasty. Then Bishop Palmer comes home...after we had fallen asleep and he sees big lumps on the trampoline. So funny! The next morning he asks his wife who was on the trampoline and she has no idea. (Just so you know, I had told Sister Palmer on Thursday that I might use her trampoline in the near future...she must not have been paying attention to me). Anyway, we slept until 10:30! Who would have thought. We woke up to Bishop Palmer coming to the back yard to talk to us. Haha. It was great! And definitely something we will probably do again in the future...just because we can. We also went to the Astronomy labs on Saturday night...and I felt all special as a test proctor. Oh gosh, I'm a dork!
And then Minette and Orin came on Saturday and it was AMAZING to see them again. I miss them so much. And she is all cute and pregnant. We had a really good time going to lunch, putting up flyers for their 5th wheel (if you need one then they have one for sale!), shopping, and going to Adrianna's reception. Orin bought these fake hillbilly teeth at the store so we all wore them into the reception...good times.
I am so blessed to have these people in my life. They are the best and it is more than I could ever ask for to be considered their friends.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

...and don't forget to mention how lucky we are to have you as a friend! You just made me a little homesick for Thatcher and it's good ol' fashioned fun! I hope you will keep your positive outlook because I love seeing you happy. Next time you are feeling low just give me a call and we can laugh it off :-)
I love you Katie!

Unknown said...

Wow, I was just trying to correct a spelling mistake and I made a mess of your comment section LOL

Anonymous said...

Katie, I love you!!